Only 1,038,109 SHROOMS are in existence at the moment!
Shrooms is a scarse cryptobeing you can grow by running its mycelium daemon to achieve enlightenment, greatness and wealth.
No sales pitch no marketing muck from corporate morons in suits here.
If you feel like SHROOMS is your crypto then it is.
If not just move on to some ICO crap. It's simple!
Think for yourself.
Born on Monday, 13 July 2015
Ticker: SHRM
Maximum possible growth (POS) rate: up to 30% per year.
Max stake cap: 0.13 SHRM per block
Block time: 120 sec.
Min stake age: 8 hours.
Maturity: 60 blocks.
P2P port: 4859 RPC port: 14250